European Union Business Forum Ethiopia

The EU Business Forum in Ethiopia aims to facilitate operations for EU companies doing business in Ethiopia.

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  On April 11 and 12, 2023, the European chamber in...
On February 23, 2023, the European Union Business Forum in...
EU Business Forum in Ethiopia launched two policy briefs on the same...
As part of the semi-annual meeting of Eurpean chambers in third...

EUBFE together with the EU Delegation to Ethiopia Hosted Members of European Parliament

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Together with the EU Delegation to Ethiopia, the EU business forum and its member companies hosted members of the parliament of the European Union led by Mr. David McAllister. On the occasion, the head of delegation of the EU delegation to Ethiopia, Ambassador Roland Kobia, appreciated the perseverance of the European business community that has remained committed to contributing to the enhancement of the business climate. Board chairman of EUBFE, Mr. Ben Depraetere, thanked the members of the parliament for taking the time to engage with the business community and share opinions that would strengthen the economic partnership between Europe and Ethiopia. He also shared copies of the Business Climate Report 2021 that depicts the perception of European investors in Ethiopia, including summaries of policy interventions that would contribute to the ease of doing business.

EUBFE Launched Its Maiden Business Climate Report and Signed MoU with Ministry of Finance

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On April 6, 2022 EUBFE launched its maiden “Business Climate Report-2021” in the presence of high-level officials including H.E. State Minister of Finance H.E. Mrs. Semereta Sewasew, H.E.Mrs. Lelise Neme-EIC commissioner, H.E. Ambassador Roland Kobia-EU Ambassador to Ethiopia and H.E. Kassahun Gofe, State Minister of the Ministry of Trade and Regional Integration. 


The report was developed in response to the need to bolster public-private dialogue between the FDI community and the public sector with evidence-based input that would, in turn foster constructive and sustainable partnership. The report's findings will be used as the foundation for further analyses and studies that will inform ensuing PPDs between the FDI community and the government. Preparation to this end has been completed, with relevant resources already mobilized. The EUBFE business climate report is based on a survey of more than 80 European businesses with operations in Ethiopia, conducted in mid-2021. It was commissioned and managed by EUBFE, and supported by the two bilateral member associations; the French Business Association in Ethiopia (CAFE) and Ethiopia-Netherlands Business Association (ENLBA).

The report provides an up-to-date assessment of the Ethiopian business environment and investment climate by the international business community, with clear evidence on what the active international business community think about their Ethiopian investments as of mid-2021, and how they view prospects for future investment. The cooperation of government ministries and agencies was commendable throughout the study, with pertinent data extended to the experts in a timely fashion. The key challenges identified were in the areas of tax, customs, delay in the renewal of licenses, access to foreign exchange, unpredictability of the business climate. With the support of the EU, further studies and analyses will be made on these findings to develop clear policy recommendations. 


A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Ministry of Finance and EUBFE (including its member associations CAFE, and ENLBA) was also signed during the launch ceremony. The MoU will pave the way for a structured dialogue between the European FDI community and the ministry. Mrs. Semerata Sewasew signed the MoU on behalf of the Ministry of Finance. 


A panel discussion was held following the MoU signing ceremony, ENLBA and CAFÉ presidents as well as the EU Ambassador and EIC deputy commissioner-Ato Temesgen Tilahun, exchanged views on the finding of the report and related issues on ways of improving the business climate. The evening concluded with a cocktail reception an informal networking session. 

You my access the full content of the report via the link below.

Cover Page




On April 6, 2022 EUBFE launched its maiden “Business Climate Report-2021” in the presence of high-level officials including H.E. State Minister of Finance H.E. Mrs. Semereta Sewasew, H.E.Mrs. Lelise Neme-EIC commissioner, H.E. Ambassador Roland Kobia-EU Ambassador to Ethiopia and H.E. Kassahun Gofe, State Minister of the Ministry of Trade and Regional Integration. 

The report was developed in response to the need to bolster public-private dialogue between the FDI community and the public sector with evidence-based input that would, in turn foster constructive and sustainable partnership. The report's findings will be used as the foundation for further analyses and studies that will inform ensuing PPDs between the FDI community and the government. Preparation to this end has been completed, with relevant resources already mobilized. The EUBFE business climate report is based on a survey of more than 80 European businesses with operations in Ethiopia, conducted in mid-2021. It was commissioned and managed by EUBFE, and supported by the two bilateral member associations; the French Business Association in Ethiopia (CAFE) and Ethiopia-Netherlands Business Association (ENLBA).

The report provides an up-to-date assessment of the Ethiopian business environment and investment climate by the international business community, with clear evidence on what the active international business community think about their Ethiopian investments as of mid-2021, and how they view prospects for future investment. The cooperation of government ministries and agencies was commendable throughout the study, with pertinent data extended to the experts in a timely fashion. The key challenges identified were in the areas of tax, customs, delay in the renewal of licenses, access to foreign exchange, unpredictability of the business climate. With the support of the EU, further studies and analyses will be made on these findings to develop clear policy recommendations. 

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Ministry of Finance and EUBFE (including its member associations CAFE, and ENLBA) was also signed during the launch ceremony. The MoU will pave the way for a structured dialogue between the European FDI community and the ministry. Mrs. Semerata Sewasew signed the MoU on behalf of the Ministry of Finance. 

A panel discussion was held following the MoU signing ceremony, ENLBA and CAFÉ presidents as well as the EU Ambassador and EIC deputy commissioner-Ato Temesgen Tilahun, exchanged views on the finding of the report and related issues on ways of improving the business climate. The evening concluded with a cocktail reception an informal networking session. 


You my access the full content of the report via the link below.

EUBFE Business Climate Report-2021


Focus Group Discussion for upcoming Policy Briefs on tax, customs, forex and access to land held


On April 11 and 12, 2023, the European chamber in collaboration with the BEIC-GIZ project, which is funded by the EU, organized a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Addis Ababa. The FGD aimed to gather data on four thematic studies the European chamber is conducting, which are in the areas of customs, domestic tax, access to land for FDI outside of the industrial zones, and forex. The FGD brought together independent experts, representatives of various member companies, and relevant government agencies.

The outcome of the FGD will complement the survey and interview data that have been collected and compiled already. A final report on the four thematic areas is being finalized and will be made available for validation in the coming weeks. European chamber sincerely appreciates the active participation of all member companies as well as government agencies throughout the process of the study. Four policy briefs will be drawn out from the outcome of the studies.


On April 11-12, 2023, the European chamber together with the BEIC-GIZ project, which is funded by the EU, organized a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Addis Ababa. The FGD aimed to gather data on four thematic studies the  European chamber is conducting, which are in the areas of customs, domestic tax, access to land for FDI outside of the  industrial zones, and forex. The FGD brought together independent experts, representatives of various member companies, and relevant government agencies.

The outcome of the FGD will complement the survey and interview data that have been collected and compiled already. A final report on the four thematic areas is being finalized and will be made available for validation in the coming weeks. European chamber sincerely appreciates the active participation of all member companies as well as government agencies throughout the process of the study. Four policy briefs will be drawn out from the outcome of the studies.

EUBFE Held Consultative Meeting with EIC Followed by End of the Year Cocktail Reception

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EUBFE board of management held productive consultative meeting with the Ethiopian Investment Commissioner HE Commissioner Lelise Neme and Deputy Commissioner Daniel Teressa, in the presence of EU Ambassador to Ethiopia Roland Kobia. Also in the consultation was H.E Ambassador Ababi Demissie, Director General for Foreign Direct Investment and Technology Transfer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The consultation revolved around existing challenges faced by member companies and plans for engagement in the coming year 2023. The major issues discussed were sporadic insecurities in some localities faced by some member companies, cement and fuel supply challenges, foreign exchange shortage, customs and tax related issues. The EIC commissioner in her response appreciated the initiative to hold a consultation of this nature and reaffirmed the commission’s commitment to continue to support European FDI in general and EUBFE members specifically. To this end, it was agreed that bolstering partnership in the spirit of public-private-dialogue will be key focus in the coming year. In this connection, a joint platform that will be co-chaired by EIC commissioner and the EU Ambassador was established, and it will follow up on all issues raised at the consultation on a quarterly basis.

Following the consultative meeting, cocktail reception was hosted at the rooftop of the commission’s headquarters, where the outcome of the meeting was communicated to EUBFE members by the commissioner and the board chairperson of EUBFE.

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